Welcome Parkhotel Bochum
Klinikstraße 43-45
44791 Bochum - Phone: 0234 61000
- E-Mail: boc.info@welcome-hotels.com
All Paths Lead to us and the Welcome Parkhotel Bochum
Address for your GPS:
Welcome Parkhotel Bochum
Klinikstraße 43-45
44791 Bochum
Nearby Facilities:
50 mBochum Zoo
400 mPlanetarium Bochum
1.3 kmStarlight Express
1.8 kmBermudadreieck Bochum
700 mVonovia Ruhrstadion
500 mCity centre
1.6 kmICE train station
30 kmDortmund Airport
1.5 kmMotorway A 73, A 70
1.4 kmSparkasse Bochum
1.9 kmThyssenkrupp AG
1.9 kmAral AG
2.6 kmDeutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See
3.9 kmVonovia SE
6.1 kmRuhr-Universität Bochum
6.6 kmVolkswagen Infotainment GmbH
Stefanie Hartenstern
Hotel manager
+49 (0) 234 610 00
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Birute Stefanidis
Reservation & event sales
+49 (0) 234 6100 430
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Björn Reckeweg
Head chef of the VIU Restaurant
+49 (0) 234 6100 441
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