Rated 5 based on reviews from all travelers.
„Very good hotel. Close to the city center with easily acessible parking.“
Summary of 1,117 verified reviews
The TrustYou Meta-Review is a summary of verified reviews from across the web. These summaries use state-of-the-art algorithms to analyze review data and benchmark hotels against each other so you can find and book the perfect hotel.
Learn moreRated 5 based on reviews from all travelers.
„Very good hotel. Close to the city center with easily acessible parking.“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Couples.
„Friendly atmosphere“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Families.
„Great view. Friendly service“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Solo.
„Very quiet. Friendly service“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Business.
„Very quiet. Great location“
4.8/5 (260 Reviews)
„Great location.“
Fairly accessible by car with easy parking.
4.7/5 (211 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.4/5 (252 Reviews)
„Friendly, fairly professional service from reception and wait staff.“
3.4/5 (255 Reviews)
„Rooms and beds are adequate.“
Older, poorly maintained rooms with poorly rated furniture, although views are nice.
3.2/5 (173 Reviews)
„Great desserts but the restaurant is expensive with complaints about cleanliness.“
Side dishes are all right.
Pork dishes are adequate.
4.8/5 (41 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.8/5 (34 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.3/5 (36 Reviews)
„Friendly, acceptably professional service.“
3.0/5 (36 Reviews)
„Views are good, menus are average, and rooms are acceptably clean.“
4.8/5 (14 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.8/5 (13 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.3/5 (17 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
3.2/5 (15 Reviews)
„Decent rooms with great views.“
4.7/5 (9 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.6/5 (9 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.5/5 (11 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
3.1/5 (11 Reviews)
„Room cleanliness is acceptable.“
3.1/5 (9 Reviews)
4.7/5 (5 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.7/5 (7 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.4/5 (6 Reviews)
„Fantastic service.“
3.2/5 (5 Reviews)
3.1/5 (6 Reviews)
„Room is all right.“
4.9/5 (208 Reviews)
„Great location but pricey parking.“
4.8/5 (175 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.5/5 (210 Reviews)
„Friendly, fairly professional service from reception and wait staff.“
3.6/5 (195 Reviews)
„Okay beds and somewhat clean, big rooms with excellent views.“
4.8/5 (33 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.7/5 (29 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.3/5 (30 Reviews)
„Friendly, acceptably professional service.“
3.2/5 (19 Reviews)
„Poor menus and okay food.“
3.1/5 (28 Reviews)
„Views are good, menus are average, and rooms are acceptably clean.“
4.8/5 (13 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.8/5 (13 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.3/5 (13 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
3.2/5 (14 Reviews)
„Decent rooms with great views.“
4.8/5 (5 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.7/5 (8 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.5/5 (7 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
3.2/5 (8 Reviews)
„Room is all right.“
3.2/5 (7 Reviews)
4.7/5 (6 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.4/5 (6 Reviews)
„Fantastic service.“
3.1/5 (5 Reviews)
„Room is all right.“
4.8/5 (9 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.6/5 (6 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.2/5 (5 Reviews)
„Fantastic service.“
3.0/5 (10 Reviews)
„Room is all right.“
4.6/5 (24 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.6/5 (36 Reviews)
„Great location and easy parking.“
4.1/5 (33 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.8/5 (5 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.3/5 (5 Reviews)
„Fantastic service.“