Rated 5 based on reviews from all travelers.
„Excellent wellness hotel. Close to parking areas and train stations.“
Summary of 1,524 verified reviews
The TrustYou Meta-Review is a summary of verified reviews from across the web. These summaries use state-of-the-art algorithms to analyze review data and benchmark hotels against each other so you can find and book the perfect hotel.
Learn moreRated 5 based on reviews from all travelers.
„Excellent wellness hotel. Close to parking areas and train stations.“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Couples.
„Clean hotel facilities“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Families.
„Very comfortable. Impressive bathroom“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Solo.
„Train station is close. Friendly service“
Rated 5 based on reviews from Business.
„Spacious rooms. Clean“
4.6/5 (7 Reviews)
„Good internet service.“
4.4/5 (237 Reviews)
„Great location.“
So-so car access and parking.
Close to public transport and the train.
Centrally located, near restaurants, bars, and shopping.
4.2/5 (294 Reviews)
„Friendly, professional service, and good reception, but some complaints with restaurant service.“
4.1/5 (294 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.9/5 (483 Reviews)
„Rooms are spacious with standard beds.“
Clean, large bathrooms.
Fine furnishing and views, but poor room maintenance.
Shower was ok.
3.8/5 (152 Reviews)
„Clean hotel facilities.“
Clean bathroom.
3.7/5 (286 Reviews)
„Rooms and bathrooms are spacious and comfortable, but A/C is not great.“
Okay beds and quiet enough rooms.
3.1/5 (44 Reviews)
„Average hotel building.“
Great hotel grounds with a beautiful entrance area.
3.0/5 (131 Reviews)
„Great menu.“
There are some vegan options.
4.2/5 (49 Reviews)
„Great location, close to the train station.“
Decent, but pricey, parking.
4.2/5 (56 Reviews)
„Friendly service, and reception was okay.“
3.9/5 (64 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.6/5 (37 Reviews)
„Clean hotel facilities.“
Clean rooms.
3.5/5 (101 Reviews)
„Average rooms, beds and furniture but A/C not up to standard.“
Large clean rooms with big bathrooms.
3.0/5 (11 Reviews)
„Average hotel building.“
3.0/5 (25 Reviews)
„Food is all right.“
4.3/5 (14 Reviews)
„Great location with good parking availability.“
4.3/5 (11 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
3.9/5 (18 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.7/5 (7 Reviews)
3.6/5 (29 Reviews)
„Large rooms and nice bathrooms, but beds are only okay.“
3.5/5 (19 Reviews)
„Comfortable, large, reasonably quiet rooms with so-so beds.“
3.0/5 (11 Reviews)
„Food is all right.“
4.4/5 (18 Reviews)
„Great location, close to the train station.“
4.3/5 (17 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.1/5 (15 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.9/5 (15 Reviews)
„Spacious, comfortable room with acceptable beds.“
3.8/5 (25 Reviews)
„Huge rooms with great bathrooms.“
Furniture and beds are acceptable.
4.2/5 (5 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.1/5 (7 Reviews)
„Fantastic service.“
4.0/5 (6 Reviews)
„Great location.“
3.9/5 (5 Reviews)
3.6/5 (15 Reviews)
„Huge rooms with great bathrooms.“
4.6/5 (7 Reviews)
„Good internet service.“
4.4/5 (192 Reviews)
„Great location.“
Decent, but pricey, parking.
Close to public transport and the train.
Centrally located, near restaurants, bars, and shopping.
4.3/5 (243 Reviews)
„Friendly, professional service, and good reception, but some complaints with restaurant service.“
4.1/5 (239 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.0/5 (387 Reviews)
„Rooms are spacious with standard beds.“
Clean, large bathrooms.
Fine furnishing and views, but poor room maintenance.
Shower was ok.
3.9/5 (117 Reviews)
„Clean hotel facilities.“
Clean bathroom.
3.9/5 (223 Reviews)
„Rooms and bathrooms are spacious and comfortable, but A/C is not great.“
Okay beds and quiet enough rooms.
3.1/5 (105 Reviews)
„Great menu.“
There are some vegan options.
4.3/5 (37 Reviews)
„Great location, close to the train station.“
Average parking.
4.1/5 (44 Reviews)
„Friendly service and great reception.“
4.0/5 (51 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.6/5 (28 Reviews)
„Clean hotel facilities.“
Clean rooms.
3.4/5 (78 Reviews)
„Rooms are standard with average beds and furnishings.“
Big, clean rooms with great bathrooms.
3.1/5 (7 Reviews)
„Ordinary amenities.“
3.0/5 (20 Reviews)
„Food is all right.“
4.3/5 (10 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.3/5 (12 Reviews)
„Great location with good parking availability.“
3.9/5 (16 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.7/5 (7 Reviews)
3.6/5 (23 Reviews)
„Large rooms and nice bathrooms, but beds are only okay.“
3.6/5 (16 Reviews)
„Spacious, comfortable room with acceptable beds.“
3.0/5 (9 Reviews)
„Food is all right.“
4.4/5 (16 Reviews)
„Great location, close to the train station.“
4.3/5 (16 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.2/5 (13 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.9/5 (14 Reviews)
„Spacious, comfortable room with acceptable beds.“
3.8/5 (21 Reviews)
„Huge rooms with great bathrooms.“
Furniture and beds are acceptable.
4.3/5 (5 Reviews)
„Fantastic service.“
4.1/5 (5 Reviews)
„Great location.“
3.6/5 (14 Reviews)
„Huge rooms with great bathrooms.“
4.3/5 (22 Reviews)
„Great location, close to the train station.“
Average parking.
4.0/5 (21 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.0/5 (21 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.9/5 (12 Reviews)
3.8/5 (39 Reviews)
„Large rooms and nice bathrooms, but beds are only okay.“
3.7/5 (29 Reviews)
„Spacious, comfortable room with acceptable beds.“
3.9/5 (6 Reviews)
„Large, comfortable rooms.“
3.8/5 (5 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.7/5 (8 Reviews)
„Spacious rooms.“
4.5/5 (6 Reviews)
„Great location.“
4.0/5 (11 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.0/5 (12 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
4.0/5 (6 Reviews)
„Clean hotel facilities.“
3.7/5 (12 Reviews)
„Spacious, comfortable room with acceptable beds.“
3.5/5 (16 Reviews)
„Rooms are spacious with standard beds.“
3.0/5 (6 Reviews)
„Food is all right.“
4.4/5 (13 Reviews)
„Great location with good parking availability.“
4.1/5 (19 Reviews)
„Tasty breakfast.“
3.9/5 (17 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
3.8/5 (13 Reviews)
3.4/5 (35 Reviews)
„Mediocre, poorly maintained rooms with okay furnishing and deficient A/C.“
Large rooms and nice bathrooms, but beds are only okay.
3.3/5 (19 Reviews)
„Large rooms with average comfort and standard beds.“
3.1/5 (9 Reviews)
„Food is all right.“
4.3/5 (6 Reviews)
„Friendly service.“
4.3/5 (5 Reviews)
„Great location.“
3.6/5 (7 Reviews)
„Large, comfortable rooms.“
3.4/5 (12 Reviews)
„Big, decent rooms.“