Accommodation Rates for
Conference Guests
The following room categories can be combined individually with the above flat rates:
- Single room starting at EUR 116.00
- Double room starting at EUR 156.00
The room prices apply per room and per night, including Welcome-the-Day breakfast buffet. All prices include service and the statutory VAT of currently 19% or 7% respectively for the pure accommodation prices.
The Perfect Framework Program
for Your Event
A successful company event not only includes the event as such, but also the matching framework - both in the breaks and in your free time. Our conference hotel in Hesse offers suitable options for this. Whether you want to strengthen cohesion between your employees in sports challenges, spend a relaxed time together or playfully improve communication with each other: We will design the matching event offers for you.
Have you become curious? Find a selection of ideas here:
- Medievil dinner
- Guided castle tours
- Golf
- Guided city tours
We cooperate with reliable and innovative service providers in designing and performing your leisure program. Both guided tours of the city with a shorter time expenditure, and multiple-hour events and incentives are offered. Beyond this small selection, we will gladly offer you further programs and entertainment options, and create individual concepts for you. Please contact us for a customised offer!